On April 16, the day that I got my first Twitter account (@RaymondSison), I began to look into how you can grab tweets from a Twitter stream of interest. On Yahoo, I searched on "saving Tweets to XML".
This led me to some interesting info at the following blog entry by Anthony Grace, "Twitter - Saving your Tweets", at
The author writes the following (and I followed his instructions by using my first Twitter account @RaymondSison):
This led me to some interesting info at the following blog entry by Anthony Grace, "Twitter - Saving your Tweets", at
The author writes the following (and I followed his instructions by using my first Twitter account @RaymondSison):
Recently, I passed the 700 tweet mark and decided to archive what I had.
But how? I gleaned the following tidbits from "Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets" by Paul McFedries - founder and CEO of Mashable. You can save a local copy of your tweets by entering the following URL in your browser:
where account = your account name, and
n = number of tweets
This will open n number of your tweets to date in XML in your browser.When I did this with my own Twitter account, using http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/RaymondSison.xml?count=n I got the following XML for my one and only tweet "Hello World" (from Fort Worth, TX)--and this gave me some new insight in how to get raw tweet data that we can further process as desired.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <statuses type="array">
- <status>
<created_at>Sat Apr 16 22:32:10 +0000 2011</created_at>
<text>Hello World!</text>
<in_reply_to_status_id />
<in_reply_to_user_id />
<in_reply_to_screen_name />
- <user>
<name>Raymond Sison</name>
<location />
<description />
<url />
<created_at>Sat Apr 16 21:59:05 +0000 2011</created_at>
<utc_offset />
<time_zone />
<notifications />
<following />
<follow_request_sent />
<geo />
<coordinates />
- <place xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss">
<name>Fort Worth</name>
<full_name>Fort Worth, TX</full_name>
<attributes />
- <bounding_box>
<georss:polygon>32.551584 -97.549053 32.551584 -97.033715 33.047463
-97.033715 33.047463 -97.549053</georss:polygon>
<country code="US">United States</country>
<contributors />
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