Sunday, May 8, 2011

Twitter Tools and Apps

On April 20, 2011, I found an online Twitter tool called Trendistic ( I had been looking at different online Twitter tools and open source apps since getting my Twitter account on April 16, as I thought about ways to process streams of tweets. As seen below, when you enter "Navy SEALs" and click 'Show Trends', you see a dramatic peak of Twitter activity related to Navy SEALs on May 1 upon news of the death of Bin Laden--for obvious reasons!

When I looked at The Twitter Book by Tim O'Reilly and Sarah Milstein, which I bought with some other books on Twitter this spring, I saw several other tools. Going to What the Trend (, I saw the following trends (#ifyoumarryme being on top!):

This book also mentions another tool that I had seen on my one: Twopular (, which leverages OpenCalais (that I discuss in a previous blog entry). It, too, shows trending Twitter topics in its own way as shown below:

These three tools do not require you to log in with your Twitter account; nor do they require downloading open source code, as other tools. I am interested in seeing what some of the open source Twitter apps can do...

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